Solid 1st Class

Solid 1st Class bricks can be used in various construction. It’s solid and heavy. For making your office and accomodation or others safer and stronger then you can use Solid 1st Class without a single doubt. Our Solid 1st Class brick size is 245mm*115mm*70mm. It’s Usually Made for Pointing Brick Wall.

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Solid 2nd class

Solid 2nd Class bricks can be used in different types of constructions. It’s little bit less solid and less stronger than solid 1st class. For making your construction safer and looking incredible then you can use Solid 2nd Class without a single doubt. It’s Usually Made for Pointing Brick Wall.

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Solid Picket

Now a days, no constructions are growing up without solid picket. It’s cheaper than stone for using in construction. For saving money and less costing, solid picket is being used in modern construction without any doubt. Solid picket is very very strong. Our solid picket can take upto 5700-6300PSI which is almost like a stone.Even You can get super quality bricks chips from this solid picket which is absolutely comparable with stone chips.

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10 Hole bricks are an intelligent construction material. As far as the technical view is concerned, hollow bricks are light,durable, easily available and gives adequate strength to the construction. It reduces the induced heat inside the building due to the hollow portion inside,making the building cooler.Cement hollow bricks are cheaper but those made with clay are stronger but little costly and not readily available. 10 Hole bricks reduce the total weight of the construction and also reduces the wall thickness of the building which will eventually increase the life of the building and will give more space inside the building.

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6 Hole

Many new inventions are out of necessity. 6 Hole bricks are a good construction material. Modern constructions are mostly column-beam structures . The weight of the building rest on the beams and columns. As far as the technical view is concerned, hollow bricks are light,durable, easily available and gives adequate strength to the construction. It reduces the induced heat inside the building due to the hollow portion inside,making the building cooler. 6 Hole bricks are made with clay which are stronger but little costly and not readily available. Hollow bricks add to the architectural aesthetics and gives a better view as compared to solid brick.

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3 Hole

3 Hole bricks can be used to build load bearing as well as non-load bearing walls depending upon the compressive strengths of the material used. 3 Hole bricks can reduce the use of cooling and heating devices as per the seasonal requirements due to their thermal insulation property. They keep the interiors cool in summer and warm in winter. They also provide more sound insulation as compared to solid bricks. 3 Hole bricks display good compressive strength making them suitable to install heavy wall compartments, cabinets, geysers, etc. The presence of hollow space makes it easier to pass the electrical and plumbing fixtures as compared to solid bricks where you need to chisel adding to the labor, damage and cost. Overall it’s a great product to make your house stronger and better.

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Copy Copy

Brick Chips are recycled Crushed brick, “deep red’ in color, irregular or triangular shapes of medium to large size. It’s 3/4″ to 1” in size, offering a number of attractive features. It’s very Long lasting stuff which is absolutely great for using in construction sectors all over the world then and now.

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Bricks are oldest and important construction materials because of their durability, reliability, strength and low cost. To produce good quality of structure, good quality materials are required. When a brick is cut across the width, the resulting piece is called bat. Thus a bat is smaller in length than the full brick.If the length of the bat is equal to half the length of the original brick, it is known as Half bat. So half bat is half of one full brick.

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